your free workbook

one foot in front of the other

a small-steps approach to reclaiming your life, even when you’re overwhelmed by grief.

When you’re feeling completely overwhelmed by your grief…
When growth & transformation feel out of reach, because you can barely imagine making it through the next hour, day, week…
When all you want to do is speed up time, and fast-forward through the pain of the present moment…
When you don’t know what to do, where to go, how to start…

Start here.


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one foot in front of the other


Truth: Some of the most powerful, valuable, life-changing moments in my experience with grief happened on the darkest days, when I felt the most helpless.

I’ve combined my personal experience and my coaching expertise to create this free workbook, designed to help you find relief and direction in the moments when your grief is its most brutal.

The coaching exercises in this workbook are intended to help you focus your thoughts so that you can begin to reclaim your day, your week, your life…even in the midst of grief.

So the next time you find yourself asking, “Where do I go from here?”, you’ll have an answer.