I will be on maternity leave starting in June 2018. I will begin accepting new clients again in September 2018. If you are interested in working with me in September, feel free to email me! My response time might be a little slower than usual, but I would love to get you on my calendar for when I’m back from my leave.

Thank you!

your illuminated chapter

A 3-month coaching program designed to help you find strength, clarity, and direction after loss.
Practical, tangible transformation.


You’ve heard so many stories about people being transformed by tragedy, rising out of grief like a phoenix from the ashes. You want to believe that the same is possible for you, but it’s hard to imagine when you’re struggling just to make it through the day, feeling like you’re at the mercy of whatever is happening to you. Or perhaps, you sense that you’re growing and learning as a result of what you’re going through, but the way forward is unclear. The uncertainty of the future has you stuck in a cycle of fear, loneliness, and shame. You just want to feel better. About yourself. About your life. About what’s to come.

Together, we will map out your unique strategy for coping with your grief and moving forward. We’ll start exactly where you are, and uncover what’s in your way. We’ll get clear on what you really want, and translate that into practical action steps so that you can finally feel like you have direction, momentum, and purpose.

“Before I started working with Gabi, I was feeling stuck with regards to socialization. I had issues going out to parties and social events even with family. 

Now, I feel as though I have found me again. I have found my sense of humor and been able to envision dating and living a full life again. I have also been able to make some new friends and go out socially without the crazy anxiety.


Talking to Gabi was like talking to a friend who didn’t let you flounder in your own stuff.


She called me out gently but firmly when I  started hiding and praised me for things I didn’t even realize I was doing. I loved the process and flexibility of the schedule. It didn’t feel like something I was paying a therapist for or even some other professional. It was personal and felt like I was talking to a friend.”

-Jennifer Garrett-Callaghan

Does this sound like you?

  • You’re feeling lost, and you wish you had some kind of direction to help you navigate all this change, sadness, and grief to find purpose and hope again.
  • You’re fearful about the uncertainty of what’s ahead of you, and that fear is keeping you stuck where you are, unable to move on or let go.  
  • You feel inadequate, beating yourself up because you’re not sure you have what it takes to get through this.
  • You feel like you need support, but you’re concerned that your friends and family don’t understand what you’re going through, or they’re getting tired of listening.
  • You’re frustrated, because you never asked for any of this, and you need time and space to process.

I’ll work one-on-one with you to navigate this chapter of your life.

I’ve combined my fine-tuned coaching skills and my personal experience to create a coaching model designed to help you get incredibly clear about what’s keeping you stuck, how your strengths will help you adjust to your “new normal”, and build your confidence so that you look ahead with hope, rather than fear.

In a one-on-one coaching setting, you’ll be supported and given the freedom to express yourself without judgment. And we’ll come up with action steps that have you feeling assured that you’re moving in the right direction, in line with your values and your sense of purpose.

How it works:

  • We’ll have a total of 9 private coaching sessions over the phone (if you’re in the US) or Skype (if you’re outside the US). Each session will be 60 minutes, and we will have 3 sessions per month (with one week off each month) for a total of 3 months.
  • You’ll have unlimited support, via email, for the entire 3 months of our program.
  • Before each session, I’ll send you a pre-session worksheet to help you sort through your thoughts, so that you get the maximum value from each of our calls.
  • After each session, you can request that I send you my notes, so that you can look them over or keep them for future reference.

“I was struggling with a failed relationship, and dealing with those feelings while building new career opportunities for myself. Coaching with Gabi helped me understand myself better, trust in my abilities more and see and establish new goals for my life.

I enjoyed how she spotted the exact things that I needed to work on and how easy she made it for me to go on this journey of further discovering myself. Some of her questions were absolutely brilliant, and I felt that she truly wanted to help me.

Most importantly, I felt I could trust her from the first minute of our coaching process.

What’s unique is Gabi’s instinct of asking the exact right questions, and the fact that she seems to do it so easily. It felt as it came natural to her and it made me investigate myself naturally as well.”

-Cristina Rosu

“My main struggle has been with figuring out how to move forward in my life, specifically my career, as I work to find balance within life’s stresses.

Gabi helped me to re-approach my problems and to organize them in ways that felt more surmountable.

I really appreciated how readily Gabi listened, actively listened, and worked so hard to make sure she understood what I was trying to say. I felt heard and supported, and even when I was feeling overwhelmed with what was going on in life, she helped me think about movement and possibility–things that can be so hard to see by yourself. The support offered was just so wonderful.”


“Before working with Gabi, I was struggling with moving toward a career path that I was happy with and carving out the time for it. The coaching really got me thinking about the way I spend my time and how even working on little things can build supports for achieving greater goals.

I really enjoyed how laid back and friendly the coaching sessions were, while still being productive.

What was special was the way she helped integrate all aspects of my life into coaching. It was also very helpful in helping me deal with a loss of a grandparent.”


“After working with Gabi, I am able to break down seemingly large goals and dreams into tangible steps. I have more patience in the path my life is taking. I don’t dwell on negative ideas, or lofty expectations I have of myself as much. I make note of my thoughts and feelings, then continue.

I appreciated how she progressed from session to session with me. How she used my own words to affirm my direction, versus using someone else’s words or advice.

This was empowering.

Gabi is sensitive, direct, open, wise, and organized. She is clearly focused on pulling out the best of the individual so that they can thrive in their life.”

-Kate Jordan Augusto

The Investment: $540

Are you ready to take this step? Here’s what to do next:

Start by scheduling a free, 30-minute consult with me. This call will allow us to introduce ourselves to each other, and ensure that this coaching program is the right next step for you.

To schedule, please email me at info@theilluminatedchapter.com, or click here.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do you offer a payment plan?
A: Yes! I can split the total payment into 3 monthly payments of $180 each. You’ll be sent an invoice at the start of each month, and it will be due by the end of that month.

Q: Can I sign up for just 1 month of coaching, instead of all 3?
A: No. In order to do the deep, meaningful work that this program requires, 3 months of working together gives us a much greater chance of success. It might sound like a long time, but it goes by quickly!

Q: I’m suffering from depression/anxiety/PTSD/other mental disorders. Can you help me?
A: Coaching is not therapy, and I am not a mental health professional. I will not be able to diagnose or treat a mental health disorder. As a grief coach, I believe that grief is not inherently dysfunctional. However, the shock of going through a loss can trigger dysfunction, which needs the attention of a mental health professional. That said, it’s possible for us to still work together, once you are seeking the appropriate help. Coaching can be a wonderful complement to therapy, but does not replace it.

Q: I’m already in therapy. Do I need coaching too?
A: Among other things, therapy delves into the past to help heal dysfunction. Coaching focus on the present and the future. I think that you will benefit greatly from this coaching program even if you’re already under the care of a therapist. Please feel free to discuss this option with your therapist.

What do you do when you’re overwhelmed by grief? I created a free workbook to help you answer that very question. Enter your name and email address below, and it’ll be delivered straight to your inbox.